Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dealing with Absence

Lately I've had to try to figure out how to stay positive in the extended absence of my husband (deployment), and friends going away who I tend to lean on. I really don't like the connotation of missing someone...because it truly focuses on something not there, a part of you gone, it's a taking away. So my current thoughts are pointed in the direction of the person's return. Focusing totally on the complete joy I will feel when I see my husband again...he'll have been gone 9 months total from June last year to July this year...a ton of time to be without your partner. I know when I see him, when I finally lay eyes on him, and see his smile heart will not be will be running over with joy. I wrote this poem for all the people I used to miss, but for who now I simply appreciate and look forward to...


I attempted to fill my days
With friends and food
And light and work
But I lingered in my mind.

I fought to forget
Willed myself positive
Fresh, anew, focused
And yet languid time
Dragged and pulled me down.

While you flashed
With happiness and glee
I stayed quiet
Alone, but not so lonely.

The end of this
Imposed solitude
Is coming,
And I yearn for
The wave of warmth
Your smile will bring.

If the mere thought
of you brings me joy
God bless me
With your return.
And I will be
Once again alive.

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