Saturday, April 28, 2007

Law of Attraction: Weight Loss Update

Ok, well, while I was sick and grieving, I decided I really need to just let go of the weight loss thing and not worry about it. I tried to remind myself that once you Ask, you just need to Believe, and be prepared to Receive. Sometimes your mind gets in the way, and you don't let the Law of Attraction work, because you are thinking too much about it. So I just thought...God, please help me be healthy, and I let go. I didn't think about eating carbs or not eating carbs. I didn't worry about much really. I also promised myself I'll only get on the scale once a week. So what are the results? Well, I not only lost the weight I had gained, but I finally broke my plateau barrier and went down 3 lbs below it!!! Yippeee!!

Now, the temptation is...once you have a taste of success to try to control it, to try to enhance it somehow. Nope...I'm not gonna do it. I'm just going to keep myself open to receiving. I only could exercise twice this week, because I still am coughing and having breathing trouble, but I think whatever I'm doing is ok. So I'm not going to overanalyse it here or in my head. I just give it up to the Universe, to God...make me healthy please, and help me to be free and balanced.

A lot of critics who don't understand the Law of Attraction or The Secret, complain that it does not focus at all on actions required of the person. What I have learned is actually this is the place where most trip up. If you believe your actions can control the outcome, then you begin trying to control the process. If you try to control the process, then you haven't truly given it to the Universe and God to handle for you. Part of why it works is that we stop obsessing about the thing we want/don't want, and just allow it to happen. If my body needs exercise, and the Universe wills it, I will be motivated and exercise. So far so good. I personally want to exercise 5 days a week and am capable of that...but I wasn't losing weight at all while I was doing it before I got sick. Maybe something in my body was off balance. So I'm just listening to what my body tells me, not obsessing, trying to let balance happen without my hand on the controls. I'll let you know how it goes!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Trying to see daylight...

Well, this week has been one of challenge and despair. It started Monday morning, with the news that my beloved Grandmother passed away. She was finally ready to go, and I was glad she crossed over...but I was in a very dark place. I felt her absence immediately. That morning I had awakened with chest pain, and the beginnings of what felt to be a chest cold. By Wednesday it was a full fledged cough, and by Thursday, I had a fever. When it rains it pours...I kept feeling guilty, could it be my depressed body was attracting yet more doom? I finally went to the doctor, and she gave me medications to heal just about anything. I'm still coughing today (Saturday), and have been begging God, the Universe, anybody to help me get better. My mother is visiting from Florida, and my son is dying to get out of the house and do something, but I still feel like I have a 50lb monkey on my chest.

I have some things on my mind that should probably be free, in order for me to get better. First things first, a friend of mine, well, I realized the limits of our friendship this week. I am trying to seriously look at the bright side, and be grateful for when I do have his friendship, to not focus on what's not available to me. The friendship is unbalanced, but frankly, it's me who gets the most of of it I think, so I just have to be continually grateful for what I can be to him, and just let the rest go. It's been a source of worry in the back of my mind all week. We pretty much resolved things on Thursday, but didn't talk on I was back to worrying. Oh well...I've GOT TO LET IT GO.

I'm trying so hard to raise myself up to higher levels emotionally. It is hard when a loved one dies...hard to find joy again...especially in the midst of family drama and a major lack of emotional support. My friends have all pulled away (don't blame them since I'm technically contagious probably), but I really need them closer. I don't do well alone. When I try to deal with things alone, I tend to bury it and let it simmer at a slow boil until months later it erupts in the form of a fight with my husband. I rarely remember the source of it all...and he gets the brunt of it.

I'm going to try the last exercise in Ask and it is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks. It's an exercise to help you move up the emotional scale. The specific example is a woman dealing with the death of her father, so I'm going to attempt the same exercise with the death of my Grandmother.

I'm going to make a list of conscious statements that I hope will help me move up the scale.

-I am desolate knowing I'll never see my grandmother again.

-I wish my father and uncle had not mislead me about how serious her condition was, thus keeping me from coming down to be with her.

-My father told me I should have visited her more while she was alive, but he knows I physically couldn't go this past year.

-She wouldn't have given up the will to live, if my uncle hadn't bought a house across the country and gone away for a month at Christmas leaving her alone. It was like everyone was waiting for her to die, like she was an inconvenience to them.

-My sister claimed she didn't feel that the family included her. She feels my father and uncle don't love her. That she chose this time to reveal all this only adds more stress to the time.
(anger,guilt, despair)

- I got to say I love you on the phone to her, and she vocalized, so I think she understood me.

-I'll give my sisters each their choice of anything that was left to me, so they feel better.

-I'm looking forward to getting over this illness and getting back to work, to a normal routine.
(positive expectation)

-I appreciate my husband so much for calling me last week, for understanding immediately what I needed, for being there as much as he can from so far away.

-I'm grateful for my mom helping me out this week around the house and with Cole while I've been sick.

-I appreciate my friends who have expressed their words of kindness, support, concern. For those who have actually wanted to help me...I am so grateful.
(Appreciation, love)

-Death is part of life. It makes me more aware of valuing everyone I have around me. I almost lost my mother as well two months ago. Death has been more prevalent around me and my friends these past months. God is telling us to appreciate all we have and live, thrive, create NOW.

-I'm glad my Grandma is in a place where she is surrounded by her loved ones. I know she is now aware of all her goodness and has learned as well. To be in a place of joy and understanding is a million times better.
(knowledge, joy)

-I loved being blessed with TWO mothers, each unique and special in her way. Now I have one on each side of the world working in my favor.
(blessed, joyful, appreciative)

-All of this is good. I can find joy in the midst of darkness. For this I am grateful.
(joyful, appreciative)

The key to this exercise is to keep doing it I think. Because it's easy in the middle of being sick, dealing with grief, to see yourself slide back down into anger and other places of resistance. Now that I've done this though, I can just re-read it, and hopefully help myself get out of the grief, out of my illness and back into joy.

Mary K.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

My Grandmother is dying...

I got some terrible news over the weekend, that my grandmother who went in for hip surgery last week, has taken a turn for the worse in her recovery. She had a heart attack, and because she's 95 and has a living will, etc...she determined she would rather go to hospice than have them take heroic measures to keep her a live. She lives in Florida, so it is too far for me to drive there, and I have my mother coming to visit me in a couple I just cannot go. I'm trying to deal with horrible grief and not vibrate at the absolutely lowest levels of the emotional scale. I am trying to focus on the joy she gave me while she was living. It's hard though. I woke up with major chest pain and feeling like I had been run over by a truck. I had a party to take my son to this afternoon, but didn't want to go. But I knew it wasn't fair to him to keep him at home all day watching his mother grieve and not having any idea how to help me. So we went, and for a time I was slightly cheered by friends, the company of children, babies looking at me like I had answers and smiling at me with delight. My friends were supportive and I was at least able to get myself up slightly. Then magically I had a call from my husband's ship...something he's never been able to do in the past...and just the sound of his voice made me feel that all could be okay. He is very spiritual and matter of fact...and he told me to count my blessings, and think about how she had raised me, and how she would want me to remember her not as the fading person in a sick bed, but as the Grandmother who played cards with the twinkling eyes, who let me stir the pots and help her can the summer garden's fruits. My uncle told me her last lucid conversation with him had been about me and my health. This made me bawl of course.

My biggest challenge is my health. I'm diabetic and 160 lbs overweight. It's a daunting thing to try to ask for help with a challenge that big. This week I started with the Esther Hicks processes, to try to regain my health. Along with exercise and trying to eat better, I'm meditating, trying to heal my diabetes, trying to let my body regain balance. I have to let go of something so self-destructive inside, that I cannot even talk about it. When I can do that, I know the healing will begin. Knowing that it was my Grandmother's dying wish that I regain my health, I have more motivation than ever to ask God for help, and to follow through with my own actions.

As of tonight, my Grandmother is still with us. Please say a prayer for her to let go, and be with all those who love her on the other side. I know she will be with me always. Thanks Gram.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dealing with Absence

Lately I've had to try to figure out how to stay positive in the extended absence of my husband (deployment), and friends going away who I tend to lean on. I really don't like the connotation of missing someone...because it truly focuses on something not there, a part of you gone, it's a taking away. So my current thoughts are pointed in the direction of the person's return. Focusing totally on the complete joy I will feel when I see my husband again...he'll have been gone 9 months total from June last year to July this year...a ton of time to be without your partner. I know when I see him, when I finally lay eyes on him, and see his smile heart will not be will be running over with joy. I wrote this poem for all the people I used to miss, but for who now I simply appreciate and look forward to...


I attempted to fill my days
With friends and food
And light and work
But I lingered in my mind.

I fought to forget
Willed myself positive
Fresh, anew, focused
And yet languid time
Dragged and pulled me down.

While you flashed
With happiness and glee
I stayed quiet
Alone, but not so lonely.

The end of this
Imposed solitude
Is coming,
And I yearn for
The wave of warmth
Your smile will bring.

If the mere thought
of you brings me joy
God bless me
With your return.
And I will be
Once again alive.

OptimistLab -a great blog/site about Law of Attraction

Check out this thoughtfully laid out and rich in content site dedicated to the Law of Attraction. I feel like I could linger there for days....back to work:

Emotional Scale- from Jerry-Esther Hicks

The book Ask and it is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks has several processes for helping you to move upward on the emotional scale. Scholars of the Secret, Law of Attraction, etc...focus on the fact that we are more able to receive and succeed if we are in a positive emotional state. Being able to identify where you are on the emotional scale, and knowing the processes to move your way back to the top toward empowerment and joy is critical. I'm studying the processes now. I highly recommend the book, but must say the audio version of the processes is not worth purchasing, because the "reader"/audio person is not very good, and it's basically just a reading of the book without any special production value. So stick with the book. Here's a link:

Here is the emotional scale, and I will be posting some of the strategies I find helpful:
Emotional Scale
Joy- knowledge,empowerment,freedom,love,appreciation
Enthusiasm-eagerness, happiness
Positive Expectation belief
Fear-Grief, Powerlessness, despair, depression

I'm going to spend the next few days noting where I am on the scale and trying to assess how to pull myself up toward Joy.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Secret- a friend's testimonial

My friend who watched The Secret dvd at my request has been putting it to use in her life for a few weeks now. She called me early this morning with exciting news. She has been trying for a number of things in her life, one being financial success and freedom. She told me her father who lives with her made a mistake and paid a bill incorrectly, causing them some serious financial stress. She told me, she just had faith, and knew somehow things would be fine. She has been doing the whole "checks in the mail" vs. "debt/bills in the mail" thing. Her true focus was on her ex paying child support. So this morning she called her bank and lo and behold $600 had been put in her account from her ex's employment deduction (he was previously unemplyed). She was so happy she had to call the bank back like 3 times to make sure it was true. Sure enough it was true, and of course she is even more grateful now to use The Secret and Law of Attraction to solidify her faith in what she can create in her life.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Lisa Nichols - Radio-Podcasts- The Secret

I found out that you can subscribe to a daily podcast from Lisa Nichols. I think she was one of the most powerful speakers in The Secret. You can subscribe at this site:

I've listened to a couple and definitely am finding them motivational. Also, here are some quotes from one of her special reports:

"You don't get somethign because of luck. You get something because you've shown up and you are ready for it to come."

"You have to be in action about what you want."

"Your job is to get ready, to be whole and complete in you so that when the universe responds you get everything you desire."
- Lisa Nichols

Her website is mostly just an infomercial for her speaking engagements and things, so not much to see, but I can recommend the podcasts (which are really downloadable mp3 way I could find to actually subscribe in Itunes).

If you want to check out her website, here's the address:

Recharging - The Law of Attraction and renewing your commitment to it

The past few weeks have been kind of rough for me. I haven't lost weight (gained in fact), and have had some emotional ups and downs. I feel like I'm drifting away from my ideals, my desires, and losing track of what I really want. I have to recharge, rethink, refocus, and keep on moving...I wrote this..

The sun has climbed
Out of the wintry clouds
To kiss the backs of my hands
With warmth, with light.

For a minute feeling
A universe of energy
Entering my pores
Spreading its simple joy.

Flood me, fill me
With hope, with happiness
With some power
To hold back the fear.

It's not easy
It doesn't wait for you
To let go, to let it
Come in.
It flies in a moment
Hang on.

So that's what I'm doing, I'm hanging on...because I know I have faith and believe in this process. I'm going to do some reading today in the Ask and it Is Given book by Esther Hicks. In that book, they have a number of processes you can do depending on how you are feeling. In the coming days I'll discuss them as I attempt to implement them in my life.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

The Secret and those around you

One issue I have with The Secret, is what do you do if the people around you are negative, or are having their own desires that are counter to your own. Whose desires are right/wrong in the eyes of God? How does he choose whose desires to fulfill?

Here's an interesting example. My friend who was staying with me a few days, kept saying there was snow in the forecast. I told her, just hope for no snow. So we woke up Saturday morning and it was snowing, and pretty hard, so it did worry us her flight might be delayed. We had made plans to go to a local diner that is known for breakfast...but when we got there it was packed and a fifteen minute wait. I was pretty annoyed, because my friend just wanted to go straight to the airport. I knew there wasn't anyplace in the airport that was good for breakfast. Oh well I thought, so we headed off for the airport. On the way, I told her we'd all been way too negative, and we should just be grateful and ask that the snow stop, the sun to shine, and some pleace decent to go to breakfast. About a block from the airport, we notice to our left, a Golden Corral. My friend says, "Let's go there!". So we went to the Golden Corral, and the snow was still coming down. After about 45 minutes, we went to leave, and the sun was shining, and the temperature had rose about 10 degrees. We both looked at each other and laughed. The Secret had worked, but not until we both wanted the same thing!

I guess we could infer that the Secret, or Law of Attraction is especially powerful if people are asking for the same thing together. But what to do, if you don't realize that you and the people you care about aren't on the same page? Share the secret! That's what I did with my friend, and I'm hoping others will do. The more we discuss our hopes and dreams with each other, and how we will achieve them through faith and gratitude, then more will happen for everyone!

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The Law of Attraction- small scale

When you're first trying out The Secret or Law of Attraction, it does take awhile to receive things/circumstances you want. However, there are a lot of small things you can do to help reinforce the entire process. This is going to seem a little silly, but try it with parking spaces. You'll be AMAZED how it works for this. Tonight I was driving my friends to various restaurants and places sight seeing, and every place we stopped, before I pulled into the place I just simply said in my mind, Thank You for the great parking space, and in each place we went we had closer and better spots. It was a joke after the first two, but I could tell my friend was interested by the time it happened a third time. It also has been happening when I pick my son up from afterschool. There are three prime parking spaces marked for 20 minute parking...and in the past it always seemed they were full and I had to park elsewhere. But once I started my little parking experiment, I can tell you about 90% of the time, I get one of these prime spots now. Coincidence? You be the judge, and try it yourself.